Social Distancing Vs. Physical Distancing - Blog 14

We all have pretty much heard the phrase social distancing by now but what about the words Physical Distancing? I heard about Physical Distancing a few weeks ago, and honestly, I think that it fully encompasses what society is doing rather than the words Social Distancing. Don’t we have enough uses of the word social? Are we really practicing social distancing when we are using social media (distancing is the reason why people use it) ? Social media companies are the ones thriving now because it’s the safest way to connect with friends and family. The words social distancing can have a negative context because in times like these we need all the social interactions that we can get safely. Physical Distancing, that seems like a healthier terminology to describe our current status in society. Physical distancing from people and things in order to help prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

Now that the U.S. is opening back up slowly, physical distancing is going to be extremely important to help decrease the spread of COVID-19. I hope that everyone has used the time that they had while physically distancing wisely. This horrific event has left scars, physically and emotionally but moving forward we must use the lessons learned to improve our future. We are all learning together, and we will also grow together.

Head up, Eyes Forward!

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