Sleep Hygiene


Sleep hygiene is all about putting yourself in the best possible position for a great night’s rest. Sleep hygiene skills if practiced daily, can help you fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up well-rested. Below are some steps that you can take to improve your sleep hygiene skills thus, in turn, help your sleep quality and performance for the next day. Think of sleep like your body’s time to do its internal housekeeping of its daily activities, it’s like your body and mind internal shower time to cleanse itself in preparation for the next day’s activities. Why does the analogy of an internal shower work when comparing it to sleep? What happens if you take half-ass showers, or go days without a shower? For starters, you will fall into the unpleasant side of proper hygiene and your girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse, and children might be keeping their distance away from you, but more importantly you put yourself at an increase risk of infections, bacterial or fungal. You shower to cleanses your body’s exterior organ your skin, just as your sleep cleanses your body's interior organs. Research has shown that chronic lack of sleep or poor sleep quality increases the risk of illnesses and disorders like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, depression, and anxiety.

Before we can talk about sleep hygiene, lets talk about sleep. Why is it important, why should we prioritize sleep? The 8 minute video below does an excellent job on describing the importance of sleep, please watch for some free knowledge.

Our stages of sleep

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Two main stages of sleep

Non-REM (1-3) and REM

We cycle through the stages several times a night, about 3 to 4 full cycles.


Non Rapid Eye Movement (Non-REM), Three different stages

  • Non-REM Stage 1

    • Wakefulness to initially falling into a light sleep

    • Usually last less than 10 minutes

  • Non-REM Stage 2

    • Light sleep to a deeper sleep

    • Usually last 30 to 60 minutes

  • Non-REM Stage 3

    • Deep sleep during the first half of the night

    • Usually last 20 to 40 minutes

Rapid Eye Movement (REM)

  • About 90 minutes after falling asleep

  • Eyes move rapidly from side to side

  • Arms and legs become temporarily paralyzed

  • Decreases as humans age

  • Where most dreaming takes place

Now that we have some working knowledge on sleep and it’s importance, let’s talk about some sleep hygiene skills that you can practice starting tonight to help improve the quality of sleep.

Set up a sleep schedule

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Fixed sleep and wake up time schedules do the mind and body good.

  • Conditioning your mind and body around a sleep and wake schedule helps to keep you running at an optimum level.

Nightly Routine


A nightly routine is like the Pre-Sleep game plan before the big show, Sleep.

  • Disconnecting from blue light emitting electrical devices like computers, smartphones, and tablets earlier in the evening helps to eliminate the strong blue light that these devices emit which effects the release of your sleepy time hormone Melatonin.

Healthy Daily Habits

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Making a conscious decision to improve your day time habits, also improves your night time habits.

  • Decrease your caffeine intake in the afternoon and evening.

Co-Sleeping with your cute pet does come with a cost


The bed is for Foreplay, Sex and Sleep


  • Your pets as cute as they may be, can, and will interrupt your quality of sleep, consider setting boundaries with you and your furry friend.

  • Your cute adorable pet could also effect both your quality of sleep and your sex life, proceed with caution. Dr. Page wrote a good article on the subject of your pet and intimacy.

Time management napping, napping responsibly


Napping can be beneficial when done appropriately, consider timing to be the key factor when laying down for a nap.

  • Studies have shown that naps that last 10 to 20 minutes can be refreshing and restorative for the mind and body.

Social media and disruptions in falling asleep and staying asleep

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Social Media, the double-edged sword of the 21st century

  • Social Media and it’s effects in preparing for bed is a slippery slope, don’t get caught in its mental roller coaster ride when you are trying to unwind from a busy day.

  • The entire social media platform is based on you the user being on their application for as long as possible, bad idea when you are trying to get to sleep, stay clear of their mental traps.

  • The content that you are scrolling through can consciously and subconsciously take your mind down a worm hole that honestly can wait till the next day, do not go down the worm hole.

  • Turning off the notifications on your phone can also help when trying to practice good sleep hygiene skills, can’t FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) if your aren’t aware of what’s going on.

Bedroom Tips and Tricks


Your sleep environment is an essential part of proper sleep hygiene. Having the right environment increases your chances of success every time you lay your head down to sleep.


Calming relaxing music before bed

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Calming the mind is essential when starting to unwind from the days events, calming tunes can help your mind get to that peaceful place.


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