Life at 41 years old - Blog 35

41 years of life, 41 times traveled to the sun and back. What a journey thus far, the ups and a lot downs, are all part of the journey. The people that I have connected with, the relationships that I have made, and the experiences that I have lived through, are all a part of my 41 years of life. I admit that I have gotten lost in the chaotic rituals that the world sees as life. Is life just supposed to be sleep, alarm, wake up, talk, breakfast, talk, work, talk, lunch, talk, work, talk, dinner, talk and sleep? Are the daily ritual living activities the only things that separate us from the person walking right past us down the hallway at work?

Life should be more than that, life should be the moments that we deviant from the daily norms. Ever thought of an idea that is so far-fetched that you literally talk yourself out of it? What if that thought in your mind, that far fetched idea is your mind trying to get you to live a little more? What if that far-fetched thought is your soul reaching out for you? Your soul reaching out for you, to be the helping hand that you need to pull yourself out of the daily rut? I to have had those thoughts, so far fetch that others thought I was ridiculous. So ridiculous that others have steered me away from those thoughts and pulled me in the opposite direction, the opposite direction that my own soul was trying to pull me to.

These battles that I have continuously fought with my thoughts have led me to the most livable moments in life. The chances that I have taken on myself, have proven to be the greatest experiences and opportunities that I have ever encountered in this life thus far. We grow up with the rules of what society deems normal, the rules that society wants us to follow, but in reality, they are barricading us and keeping us within the box. Don’t you realize that the fiction section in the library are just wild and crazy thoughts that others conveyed on paper for our entertainment? Those thoughts can be lived, they can be embraced. They can be lessons and experiences that we can live and grow through.

Truth is that I haven’t ever felt like I fit the mold, I have always felt like the outsider looking in. Truth is that the chances and risks that I have taken, and embraced, have been the greatest memories and moments of my life. These 41 years of life have taught me that being different, thinking different, and embracing those thoughts differently is the greatest birthday gift that I could ever wish for. Everyone is entitled to their life, embrace theirs while at the same time embracing your own, each one of us has potential and endless possibilities ❤️


“Everybody dies, but not Everybody lives”

Head up, Eyes Forward!