
Failure - Blog 36

Being self-aware and able to self-regulate yourself when things in life are going haywire is the truest test of emotional intelligence. When things are great, life is great! When finances, love, and mental and physical well-being are running like a well-oiled machine, a person’s system is in equilibrium, homeostasis is met; all is well inside and outside.

You must PROVE yourself to BETTER yourself - Blog 29

We all have heard the saying “Actions speak louder than words” but how can you relate that concept to your personal life? It’s easier said than done, especially with all the distractions that we constantly have around us today. It’s a lot easier to take a photo, share some catchy quote and post it on social media.

Graduation 2020 - Blog 25

It all feels surreal, I honestly feel like it hasn’t hit me yet. I remember when the thought of going into medicine was just that, a simple thought. That thought occurred when my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer at the young age of 40. My definition of unconditional love eventually passed away at the age of 45, she left my two younger sisters, my father and I way too soon.

Flash Back Friday - Blog 15

While sitting in quarantine, it’s easy to get lost in one’s own thoughts. It’s hard to be optimistic with all the negativity constantly being injected into our heads from the news on the television, Facebook feeds, Instagram feeds etc. but have faith, stay positive and know that, This Too Shall Pass.