Early bird and the Worm ? Blog 04

Today I started back up with my unique study schedule which oddly enough is completely satisfying. We had Thanksgiving break and took the time to relax and unwind some before finals. My schedule consists of wake up at 0300 and getting to campus by 0400 so I can study before classes. First one on campus perks, no problem locating your favorite study spot and no hassle looking for parking. I started this schedule my spring semester 2019 because the fall semester schedule needed some tweaking. Life is all about making small changes that enventually add up to large changes in the big picture of life. I get home in the afternoon, workout, eat diner, prep for the next day and review passively before bed. I try to be in bed by 2030 at the very latest. So does the early worm get the worm ? Well kinda but not exactly ! Waking up early does have its perks but it’s not an easy task to accomplish. You are up before everyone so it feels like it’s just you, your work and your thoughts. You feel accomplished by the time you leave campus in the afternoon which is also nice especially after sitting in lectures all day. On the other hand you are exhausted by the end of the week and the alarm clock yelling at you at 0300 on a Friday is completely different than when it’s yelling at you on a Monday. With this being my last 10 days of my diadiactic year I can honestly say looking back in time that making the decision and sticking with my schedule has paid off dividends. For anyone willing to take up the challenge to wake up at 0300, it won’t be easy, you will fight with your own thoughts day in and day out, but in the end if you stick with it you might better the course of your future.

Discipline is a KEY to success
