Screens > Humans Interactions - Blog 03

While watching the Miami Heat game the other night a commercial came on promoting the company Peloton, the exercise bike with a screen providing live training programs in the comfort of your own home. While the idea of fitness is something that I greatly encourage the idea of another screen between human interactions makes me have mixed emotions. We shop on a screen, text/email (barely talk) behind a screen, meet potential dates behind a screen, we order food behind a screen, we learn behind a screen and now we workout behind a screen, am I the only one that sees a pattern here ? Are we slowing loosing a valuable part of our DNA engraved experience, human interactions. Call me old fashion but the experience that one receives in person regardless (good or bad) is in its own league compared to the experiences that are being provided now behind a screen. As promising as the future looks with technology we must try and balance it out with REAL LIVE human interactions.
