Right place, Right time - Blog 23

I purchased a dashcam a couple of years ago because of a trend that I was noticing of me being at The Right place at The Right time ever since I first became an EMT back in 2005. I wanted to be able to document these events because honestly, it’s hard to believe even when I share the stories after they happen. This story took place Friday, October 2nd, 2020 around 7pm. I was on the way to meet up with two friends to watch the Miami Heat NBA finals game for dinner. I was traveling sound bound on US-1 approaching a yellow traffic light when out of my peripheral vision I notice a motorcycle traveling eastbound cross the intersection at a high speed. As the motorcycle crossed the intersection it t-boned a Toyota tundra truck on the driver side front rim completely splitting the motorcycle in half upon impact. As I witnessed the accident take place a law enforcement vehicle which was also at the intersection turned on his emergency lights and sirens and blocked off the intersection where the accident just took place. As I waited for traffic light to turn green in order to safely pull forward to help, the police officer started to assess the scene and victims. When the light turned green, I made my approach onto the scene, blocked off traffic with my truck to further protect the scene and immediately got off to help. I made my way to the motorcycle victim, told the police officer that I was a paramedic, kneeled down at the victims head, and held his head in C-spine precautions in order to start accessing him. His eyes were closed while laying on the street, he was yelling in Spanish “God please not now, God please not now” over and over again. As I was holding his head, I told him my name and reassured him that I was there to help.

For those that aren’t in the medical community or haven’t been in an emergency situation like this, understand that time feels like it stands still, outside noises dissipate into the background and the main concern is that other human being that needs you in their time of need.

I received a text message from a friend a few days ago with an update on the motorcycle driver from the accident, he made it, which made my day! With all the chaos in the world today it’s easy to get distracted from the fundamental fact of this lifetime. We are all part of the human race, we are trying to be the best versions of ourselves, let’s help each other accomplish that goal. Let’s be that helping hand that everyone needs when life knocks us down.

Head up, Eyes forward