Thoughts - Blog 10

With all the chaos in the world today surrounding COVID-19, drowning out all the loud thoughts running through your mind is exhausting to say the least. You aren’t alone, the world is hurting and that’s heartbreaking. The quarantine it’s self has silenced all the outside everyday noise and has left us with only the noises in our daily lives at home. We now sleep at home, work at home, study at home, workout at home, attending business meetings at home etc. The everyday experiences that we use to take for granted were all put on hold. The life outside of our individual homes is but a small faint memory in the past.

Reflecting on what was before can help to clarify thoughts and emotions that maybe we didn’t take the time to listen to not so long ago. Reflecting on the past might help guide our future decisions with a different perspective in mind. What can we learn from the past just a few weeks ago to help make our future brighter as individuals but most importantly as a whole in unity. In unity as a family, as a marriage, as a relationship, as friendships, as a school, as a business, as a nation but most of all as One World.

The efforts and unity that is expressed daily from people of all over the world for one cause is what humanity is all about. The strength in numbers from people all over the world using their minds for good and their hearts for love is what’s going to get us through these times. Everyone can do something, and all those something’s add up in the big picture of life.

If you’re reading this, you are not alone, we will prevail!

Head Up, Eyes Forward ❤️
