Positivity makes the world go round - Blog 06

Even though the world is pretty chaotic now it does bring some peace and clarity when you see people stepping up to the plate for the cause. Talking and sharing with others in times like these helps to keep the sanity. I have always been a glass half full type of person, I don’t know any other way. Well actually I do, half empty, No thank you !!! Everyone has it in them to figure out how to change their perspective, easier said than done but possible.

Hear me out, perfect example is what is occurring right now in the world!! So you can for example open up your favorite social media site from your cell phone and immediately find out that you are faced with a decision?? Morpheus from the Matrix is giving you your option of the two pills. Do you want the red pill which for all technically of this little story means going down the worm hole of negativity on social media or do you want the blue pill which goes down the worm hole of positivity coming out of this chaos. The decision is ours every single time, make sure that you are choosing wisely.


Take care and Be safe ♥️
