To Sardine or Not to Sardine, that is the question - Blog 26

So after many, many, many months of eating Sardines for lunch, 22 months straight, 5 days a week to be exact. It’s finally time to address the many questions that I get when people find out that I purposely eat them. The two main questions that I get asked are “Why are you eating them” and my favorite question “Seriously, WHY are you eating them”. To help answer these very valid questions let me backtrack to my first semester at Florida State University College of Medicine, fall of 2018. Being that it was my first semester, figuring out a schedule with the heavy course work during the program was one of the top three challenges on this new journey that I set on. I have always lived an active lifestyle outside of work, but in my previous career as a Firefighter / Paramedic, the job also kept me active. Now, with all the in-class lectures and studying, my lifestyle activity level took a significant hit.

It was towards the end of the first fall semester at FSU that I noticed my dress pants and jeans were fitting tighter than usual, while at the same time I was feeling very sluggish. I have been a size 32/32 in dress pants and jeans for as long as I could remember. Here I was now on my Christmas break shopping with my father for new jeans because of the weight I was gaining. I remember trying on size 34/32 jeans, wouldn’t fit. Next, I tried on size 36/32 jeans, those felt more comfortable, but were still a little tight. I had a lot of emotions and thoughts running through my mind in the store, nonetheless, I picked a few different colors and shades, paid for them, and was on my way. I remember getting home and trying them on again while looking in the mirror. I immediately thought to myself, “Absolutely not Alston, not today”. I placed all 5 pairs that I purchased in the same shopping bag from the store and placed them in my closet. I thought, “Guess I’m not wearing jeans anymore”.

I was now back in school on a limited budget, So I did what anyone would do in today’s modern era. I googled “cheap healthy protein” and there it was in black and white in several articles, Sardines. I was intrigued, I then followed through with my wild idea as the astute scientist that I am and did a lot of research on sardines. I read all about sardines, then decided to put myself in my very own case-control study. I ended up buying a few different sardine brands for sampling purposes from the local supermarket along with a digital scale. Fast forward 23 months later, I dropped all the extra weight months ago, and kept the weight off, feel like myself again, less sluggish, saved a lot of money, and haven’t worried about what I was going to eat for lunch for almost two years now.

Below are some facts about these little slippery fellas;

1) Helps to curb appetite

  • High protein and high-fat content helps to promote weight loss, fills you up easily

  • Diets with sufficiently high protein intake are associated with better body composition and greater satiety

2) Rich lean protein

  • Per 100 grams, they provide 25 grams of lean protein

  • Rich source of dietary protein, about 25% by weight

3) Lowest mercury concentration of any fish

  • Sardines are near the bottom of the food chain in the oceans

4) Reduces inflammation and risk of cardiovascular disease and vascular artery disease

5) Loaded with essential vitamins and minerals

  • Excellent source of vitamins and minerals,

    • B-12 149% RDA

    • Niacin B3 26% RDA

    • Riboflavin B2 13% RDA

    • Vitamin D 68% RDA

    • Calcium 38% RDA

    • Phosphorus 49% RDA

    • Selenium 75% RDA 

6) CHEAP and Portable and easy to eat

7) Skin friendly fatty acids

8) Endometriosis, dysmenorrhoea

I will be updating the information above as I come across the data. I ate the sardines because of their health benefit and their cost. I wasn’t thrilled about eating them, but they got the job done, and for that, I am thankful for the slippery little fellas.

“Sometimes we have to do things that we haven’t ever done, to have things that we haven’t ever had”

Head up, Eyes Forward

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