Consistent Self Discipline - Blog 18

Consistent Self Discipline, The three words that hold the key to all the knowledge and opportunities that you can possibly obtain. Let me break down these words individually for more clarification;

Consistent: Being consistent means you do what you say you are going to do, regardless of the circumstances and obstacles in your way. Being consistent means, win, lose or draw you didn’t break and you held your ground. Sometimes you gave it all you had and still came up short, but the majority of the other days you were consistent, pulled yourself out of the gutter, and made significant progress. In the end, you stayed to form and were consistent. In life there will be difficult days, but those are the days that you kept pushing forward and stayed on track. Be Consistent

Self: Who and what defines you as a human being. The good, the bad and the ugly about who you are as a person. The substance that makes you the name that is printed on your birth certificate. You can be selfless and put other’s feelings, emotions, and opinions above your own or on the other hand you can be selfish, and disregard everything about others thoughts, emotions or actions. Self consists of the ingredients that make you the person that you are. You can always add or take away the ingredients to make the best product of self that you desire. Be Self

Discipline: A word that many don’t actually understand because of it’s extreme unearthly difficulty to master. The word is spoken by many, but understood by few. Discipline is the voice that is suppose to counter the voices in your head telling you that, it’s too hard, you’re too tired, I wasn’t built for this etc. Discipline is the energy that forcefully stands you up when you feel like sitting down. Discipline is the energy that helped push you forward when life wanted to push you back. Discipline sees no obstacle, only see’s opportunities. Discipline is the energy that feeds your progress, your mindset. Be Discipline

The words individually have meanings, but when used all together they have relentless powers. The words used together make mountains that look unscalable to the majority of the population become simply speed bumps that you concur on your way to true growth potential.

Head up, Eyes forward

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