Small shifts in “Mindset” - Blog 19

Small shifts in mindset and the effects it has on your life and the life of others is a superpower that anyone can tap into. It’s easier said than done, but once it becomes a habit you will see immediate results. First realize that it’s an option that anyone can use, Secondly with practice the shift in mindset becomes second nature causing you to see life in a completely different perspective. Mindset is the summation of several internal factors (assumptions, methods, or notions etc.) that can either hinder your progress in life or on the contrary push you through barriers and obstacles throughout your lifetime. There are two forms of mindset, People with a fixed mindset who believe that abilities are fixed and less likely to flourish versus those with a growth mindset who believe that abilities can be developed. What feeds into the person’s mindset? What type of energy fuels the person’s mindset? I like to break those down into two simple categories positive, and negative energy. Where do I get this energy? That energy comes in the form of our thoughts, it comes in two flavors, positive thought or a negative one, both of which we have the ultimate control over.

Let me help paint a picture to better explain, picture yourself on a large boat named “Mindset”. While on this large boat “Mindset” you look around and notice that you are in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight, its just you, your “Mindset” and your thoughts. While on this boat you realize that you have complete control of its direction in the open seas, you are at the helm of the boat steering it into any direction that you would like. Now being the astute captain of “Mindset” you realize that your thoughts are going to help guide you on your journey. If you have ever been out in the open seas you understand that the weather can change at a moment’s notice. You are at the helm controlling the direction of ‘Mindset” and understand that if it starts getting cloudy, windy and the seas start to pick up you have two options. Either you steer toward the area of the disturbance or steer in the opposite direction. What are you going to do? Remember the only way to steer “Mindset” is with your thoughts, either positive or negative. A negative thought will steer “Mindset” right into the weather disturbance versus a positive thought that will steer you away to calmer seas. Obviously, in the example above the response in clear but when translated into our lives it becomes a lot more convoluted to navigate, possible, but challenging.

In the short story above, the open seas represents life. Life and the open seas are always changing according to the weather, challenging to navigate but with the right thoughts “Mindset” is much easier to maneuver accordingly. Negative thoughts are literally steering “Mindset” into the storm, why on earth would you consciously make that decision? It’s not easy to change your mindset let alone the thoughts that steer it, but I’m here to tell you that it’s possible. It takes a lot of conscious effort, more than you can even imagine simply because we are surrounded by negative influences and thoughts from the minute we get up in the morning. Negative influences from the local news media, social media, friends, girlfriends/boyfriends, spouses, family, and co-workers. Negative influences are sounding us daily because unfortunately, it takes more effort and energy to steer away from the disturbances, it’s easier to take the path of less resistance. Small positive shifts in mindset from the very start of your day will help to set the tone for the rest of the day. When negativity confronts you in person or in thought, take action and challenge it with its opposing force positivity, see what happens. Conduct your very own experiment and see what a consistent change in mindset does for your life. Remember it’s challenging to change so it will take a lot of conscious effort on behalf of your part. Once you start seeing and living the change practice it daily thus turning it into a new habit, it will only strengthen your superpower, FACT!

Head up, Eyes forward!

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