You must PROVE yourself to BETTER yourself - Blog 29

We all have heard the saying “Actions speak louder than words” but how can you relate that concept to your personal life? It’s easier said than done, especially with all the distractions that we constantly have around us today. It’s a lot easier to take a photo, share some catchy quote and post it on social media. That’s what a majority of the population does, instead, why don’t you look at yourself in the mirror and see what others see. I am not talking about only physically, I am talking about a deeper look inside. Sometimes it takes a hard, deep, look into the accountability mirror like David Goggin’s states. Looking into the mirror and facing your only true adversary, that’s scary, that’s as tough as it gets. When it’s You vs You, it helps to eliminate all the white noise around you. You, yourself are your only true competitor in this life time. You shouldn’t have to prove anything to anyone but yourself, but with that same token, you can’t bullshit yourself either. You can bullshit others, friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, spouses, followers, etc. but at the end of the day when you lay your head down to rest, you will have to deal with the consequences when your mind is trying to rest and it isn’t at ease.

I have always had a fascination with learning ever since I can remember. I remember vividly wanting to know the WHY to anything and everything. I needed to know the WHY, I required myself to have the knowledge of knowing the WHY. I have a mantra that I came up with which I follow;

“Learning is like breathing, the minute that I stop learning will be the day that I stop breathing”

Alston B. Calderon, PA-C

I have learned in life that often it’s the pain and suffering that seem to be the best teachers in this life. The pain and suffering teaches you through loss, sadness, grief, hurt, etc. it does not discriminate by the color of your skin, the financial status you have in society, the money that you have in the bank account, or yes even the amount of Bitcoin that you own. Personally, it’s the difficult times that I have endured through collectively throughout the course of my lifetime which has directly contributed to the successes that I have today. Not one single event in time, but a collaboration of them all occurring throughout the course of my lifetime, without them, my success story would not exist. Everyone see’s the success, but what they can’t see are all the failures and sacrifices along the way. I can honestly say that I have failed my way to success, I rationalize with that fact and don’t have a problem saying it or accepting it. Things don’t often always go as planned, that’s just life. You have to learn to adapt to changes in real-time in order to pull yourself out of the drenches.

The irony is that after so many failures, you build thicker skin and a stronger mindset, thus preparing you for the next failure. Those failures in life helped to lead me to the doors of success. The failures are the clues that you can piece together and learn from, every failure has a learning outcome. What the learning outcomes are is where the work comes into play. What did you learn? What could you have done differently? If you were to have changed something at some point before the failure would the results be more or less favorable? You can literally draft up all these senarios in your mind without you having to go through the experience again, it’s a gift that we as a human species have. We have an imagination that we can use at our disposal, our imagination can add or take away things in any scenario in our minds, which can be used to forecast several possible outcomes. It’s like your very own time machine, your imagination let’s you help to predict your future by using the data that you currently have today. Use the failures, all of them, own them all to help elevate yourself to the next level in life. If you have a lot of failures at this present time in life guess what?? You are ahead of everyone else that hasn’t failed as much, multiple that negative failure by the other negative failure thus equaling a positive outcome, it’s math.

-2 x (-4) = + 8

Negative Failure x (Negative Failure) = Positive Outcome

Anyone can get better, prove it to yourself. Do the work and learn how to be a better version of yourself, for yourself, I know that YOU can do it!

Head up, Eyes Forward!

You must PROVE yourself to BETTER yourself.jpg