
Let Food Be Thy Medicine: The Ancient Wisdom of Hippocrates and the Modern Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet for Mental Health - Blog 39

In our fast-paced modern world, the connection between our diet and overall well-being is often overlooked. However, the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, widely regarded as the father of modern medicine, understood this connection well. His famous quote, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food," underscores the profound impact that what we consume can have on our health. Today, this ancient wisdom is finding new relevance, particularly in the realm of mental health, with growing evidence supporting the benefits of the Mediterranean diet.

Keep Calm And Eat Breakfast - Blog 37

But I am not hungry in the morning, EAT Breakfast!!! I have never eaten breakfast in the morning, EAT Breakfast!!! But I am not a breakfast person, EAT BREAKFAST!!!

Ever since I started practicing medicine, I have made two distinct associations backed up by evidence-based medicine: the association between skipping breakfast and anxiety.

Emotional intelligence, the good, the bad, and the truth - Blog 34

When thinking of Emotional Intelligence what comes to mind? How can the lack of it affect your life and the lives of those around you? Can it be taught and reinforced? How destructive can it be in a person’s life? All these questions come to mind when I think of Emotional Intelligence.

My Covid-19 Story - Possible Treatment? - Blog 33

My Covid-19 story starts back at the end of June beginning of July 2020. I was home working on case studies online due to the school pulled us from clinical rotations because of Covid-19. While at home awaiting to restart clinical rotations, I was awakened in the middle of the night with a fever of 101.7. I felt horrible the next day, my fever continue along with body chills, aches and malaise.

Graduation 2020 - Blog 25

It all feels surreal, I honestly feel like it hasn’t hit me yet. I remember when the thought of going into medicine was just that, a simple thought. That thought occurred when my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer at the young age of 40. My definition of unconditional love eventually passed away at the age of 45, she left my two younger sisters, my father and I way too soon.